A ton has happened since I last posted. This past summer did not go so well for me health-wise. I also moved from Arizona to Oregon at the end of the summer. Trying to survive on my own is a challenge as well.
As the title suggests, I aim to be more focused in 2015. I realized in the last few weeks that I spread my efforts to so many things, that I would either finish something, and leave something unattended, or was not able to spend the time to do something well. I also realize that the most important thing to me is getting back into shape so I can enjoy my life through cycling.
Last spring I made the decision to change the medication I was on. I am not sure if it was a mistake, or that my doctor didn't approach the change properly. Looking back, this killed my 2014 completely. Come December, and I am still trying to get my act back together.
At the start of 2014 I was taking Synthroid, and when I increased my dose to better support my physical effort, my body didn't like it and made things worse. I got frustrated with my current doctor at that time. I had called the office and wanted to switch back to my slightly lower dose as I was pretty miserable at that point. They were more than difficult, and wouldn't even notify my doctor of what was going on. I had to do a blood test, and then an appointment over a month later. Living a month in this state is just plain stupid.
So I switched doctors. I had been seen a naturopath that does endocrinology previously, but he wasnt on my insurance, and I had to do radioiodine scans at 5 years to make sure I was cancer free. So it was a must to switch doctors, but here I was switching back. At this point we took a look at switching to a bio-identical form of thyroid medications.
I am not sure if he had an old chart, or if it was inaccurate, or if he didn't calculate the dose based on my needs, but we made a switch. At first it seemed ok. About two or three weeks in and I felt some decent effects on it. The reality was that I had so much Synthroid built up, that I was in an optimal state of saturation. Things would start to go downhill from there.
I saw my doctor again, and we added a small amount of Synthroid. I had to pay for blood tests out of pocket since my insurance in Arizona wouldn't cover tests when ordered from a Naturopath. We couldn't fully test me, but did the best possible with what I could afford. This only helped slightly, and it seemed something else was going on. I was gaining weight again, and massively bloated, even in my hands. The best I could figure is that from the start of the year my adrenals were overtaxed. The adrenals help break down and build the thyroid molecule to usable compounds.
At the end of the summer I moved up to Portland for a new job. I was up here by myself, and I resolved to try and change some things. I got up here when the weather was pretty awesome, so I was able to get out on my bike, and was gaining some fitness. Then I got sick with a pretty bad sinus infection. My nasal polyps swelled up to the point they fully blocked my nose off and were bleeding.
When I went into urgent care, I found out that I was really heavy. But I had to go on Prednisone to shrink my sinuses down. Eventually I would get over 235 pounds and I wasn't happy about it.
I knew I needed to find an Endocrinologist up here since I needed new prescriptions and a fresh approach to improving my health. I tried to find a MD type Endo, and I am still waiting for that appointment which happens in February. Apparently there is a massive shortage of Endocrinologists up here, and I had to wait for 5 months for an open appointment.
I was able to find a Naturopathic Endo here that specializes in Endo. Previously, my doctor in Phoenix didn't specialize. Now I realize that mistake. In December my new Dr ordered full labs for me, and I mean full labs. I had never had all of these labs done by any previous Dr. That made me quite mad as it created a new picture for me. Also, in Oregon, labs can be ordered by Naturopath Dr's and still covered on insurance. AZ is so messed up!
So, just before Christmas, I had my doses increased, my diet radically changed, and a number of other things to help better support what was truly happening. My adrenals were messed up, so I was not converting my Thyroid meds correctly, so we are trying to heal those. I was severely inflamed as well. That is starting to go down. I also am insulin resistant at the moment. Way to much sugar in my diet. I am now on a strict Paleo diet to help reverse the insulin issues, and to cut my inflammation and bloating down.
Since I am living by myself, I have had time to reflect and try to organize myself better. I started writing again. I tried to organize the many writing projects I had started by dedicating walls of my apartment to a post it note type of outlining. I then realized that I had way to many projects, and that I couldn't event pull out a half an hour of solid work on any of them. I changed then. I put up only one writing project, and fully focused on it. I was able to write around 50,000 words on it in 10 days.
It was while working on that project that I knew that I had to be more focused. I need to cut the other nonsense out, and apply my energy where it could be best used. So I will add another 15,000 words to my first draft, and then do a rewrite to add in character and the like. I will have a better product and look to shop for an editor and publisher.
I am able to also align my time to getting in shape. I am not going crazy at first, a slow methodical process. If I went at 100% right now, I would wear myself down fast. I am just trying to do something physical every day. So around an hour at the gym. Time on the indoor trainer, and then get outside on the bike when the weather allows.
On January 3rd I went outside to ride. Wearing 4 layers up top and thermal everything I was out in freezing to 38 degree weather. There were ponds that were frozen over and ice in other places. In a way I felt like I was back at the Olympic Training Center riding in the snow.
When you are at the OTC you are focused on riding and recovering. I could modify that, I could work, ride and recover. And that wont spread me too thin. So with much more focus, I hope that 2015 will be the first year that I can get back to being healthy.