Monday, June 20, 2011

Starting slow with a goal

Summer is here. Bike races are all over the place. It's like being in an ice cream shop or something. Funny thing is that I am allergic to milk.

This time of the year is so motivating. Seeing everyone riding, going all over the place to race is nice to see. Having summers off as a teacher is nice. I need one of those jobs coming up and everything will be right in the world so to speak.

I am finally getting back on my bike. School is done, stress is down, I can focus a bit as well. I am taking a different tack right now. I am not training to race. I am just riding, an hour per day to start. Before it was a struggle to recover because I was trying to train, and my body wasnt ready for it. I am going to take it super slow for a change.

In July I will aim to do more hours. I figure a month straight of basic rides will allow me to acclimatize to riding and get a bit of fitness back. I can focus on dropping weight as well. Hopefully this time it will work since I am not trying to train and lose weight at the same time. Just burning calories, and getting some endurance built up.

I purposely wont go hard for a while. Maybe late July, or August I will start thinking about group rides. But I cant allow my body to get run down. Earlier this year was a struggle with recovering properly. A little too much and I was toast for several days. I am also watching my medication closer, learning little bits every day.